Here are a few sites and Twitter feeds to follow developments in the Yii Framework world: Yii Framework Official News Feed and @YiiFramework on Twitter YiiFeed, curated by Yii project developer Alexander Makarov
All posts by lookahead
Building Your Startup With PHP: Feature Requirements and Database Design
This is the second part in my Tuts+ Building Your Startup with PHP series, in which I lead you through development from concept to launch of my startup, Meeting Planner. In this part, I’ll provide an overview of the feature goals and requirements, and then lead you through the initial database design and migration. If you […]
Yii Developers
Searching for Yii developers? Check out some of these great folks below: Jeff Reifman, Lookahead Consulting Alexander Makarov, Yii Core Team and Kartik Visweswaran, maintains the Krajee Web Tips and a bunch of useful Yii2 extensions The 2Amigos Team, maintain a bunch of useful Yii2 extensions Interested in being listed here, please contact us with your professional […]
Programming With Yii2: Getting Started
This tutorial will walk you through installing Yii 2.0, setting up your local development environment, building a simple Hello World application, setting up your remote production environment for hosting and deploying your code from a GitHub repository. It’s the perfect way to get started with Yii2. It’s also only the first installment of many tutorials in […]
The Yii Framework 2.0 Complete Reference
The complete functional reference to the Yii 2.0 framework is always useful for reviewing functions, parameters and more. Jump to the Yii Framework 2.0 Complete Reference.
Introduction to the Yii Framework
What’s Yii? My Introduction to the Yii Framework at Tuts+ is a great entry point to learn about the framework: Writing “Hello World” in PHP is quite easy but building an actual web application becomes complicated quickly. As soon as you want to manage security, write DRY code, or leverage MVC design techniques, PHP seems lacking. In the past I’ve worked with Ruby […]
Dropdown Menus for Navigation Bar
Yii2 uses short array notation extensively. Once you get used to it, it’s great, but it can take a bit of time to read code blocks with it. When arrays are nested, it can be even more confusing. I found the Bootstrap navigation bar layouts to be hard to read. I also couldn’t easily find […]
Building Your Startup With PHP: Getting Started
This is the first installment of a series geared towards walking you through the stages of transforming a cool business concept into an actual startup. If you’re an idea person curious about the entrepreneurial process, this series is for you. I’ll draw from my experience as a self-starting, serial entrepreneur. I began my career at Microsoft launching […]
The Definitive Guide to Yii 2.0
The Definitive Guide to Yii 2.0 is the friendliest documentation provided by the Yii team. It describes many areas of the Yii2 Framework and offers many of examples. There’s a static PDF available from when it first released. Here is the outline to the guide: Introduction Getting Started Application Structure Handling Request Key Concepts Working […]